Σαβ, Ιαν
Title iLocON: High Precision Cellular LocalisatiON System
Coordinator Sigint Solutions Ltd, Cyprus
Scientific coordinator for OUC Stavros Stavrou (Professor)
Programme Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation – RESTART 2016-2020 - Research in Enterprises
Partners 1. Sigint Solutions, Κύπρος, 2. Open University of Cyprus
Agreement number ENTERPRISES/0916/0170
Duration 1.11.2018 -31.10.2020
Total budget € 252050
Link Not yet available
Summary The project entitled “High precision cellular LocalizatiON System (i-LocON)" has secured funding under the Restart 2016-2020 programme of the Research Promotion Foundation of the Republic of Cyprus. OUC research team is led by Associate Professor Stavros Stavrou, Dean of the Faculty of Pure & Applied Sciences, and principal investigator of OUC Research Laboratory on Telecoomunication Systems. The project has been selected for fudning through a competitive process: 77 project proposals had been submitted, and 21 have secured funding. I-LocON has secured a score of 13,13/15.
The main objective of the project is to develop positioning algorithms and methodologies that will be implemented into the following products: a) a Cellular Localization Platform of increased accuracy that will allow cellular operators to achieve increased localization accuracy detection of cellular users in both outdoor and indoor urban environments, including detecting users in indoor multi-floor environments, and b) a light Software Defined Radio (SDR) light cellular base station, and an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that will allow search and rescue teams to detect with increased accuracy a user in a predetermined local outdoor or indoor environment.